Memcached is a famous caching system, which can boost the speed and the performance of your Internet sites substantially if they use a database or an API. This is accomplished by caching the calls to the database/API and the replies that are delivered, so when someone searches for some product on your website, for instance, the database will not have to be accessed to show the results and the whole procedure will be completed significantly faster. That goes for all sorts of database-powered applications and not only for online stores, since anytime a particular web page is accessed, the app sends a database request to get the content that should be shown. With Memcached, not only will your site load considerably faster, but it will also create much less load. If any content in the database is changed, the cached responses will also be updated, so the website visitors won’t see any out-of-date info.

Memcached in Shared Web Hosting

When you host script-powered sites in a shared web hosting account with us, you will be able to add Memcached to your shared hosting plan with just a couple of clicks of the mouse via your Hepsia Control Panel. The upgrade will be available momentarily and, since the extension required for it is already installed on our innovative cloud website hosting platform, you can start using it right away. To give you more versatility, we offer two separate upgrades related to the number of instances (i.e. how many sites will use Memcached) and to the amount of memory that Memcached will use. The latter comes in increments of 16 MB and you can add memory whenever you want. Naturally, the more memory Memcached is permitted to use, the more content it will cache, so in case you own a resource-absorbing website with a lot of content, you may require more memory to be able to make the most of the power that Memcached can offer you.

Memcached in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You can add the Memcached caching platform to any of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting that we offer and make use of its full capacity for any script-driven site hosted on our servers. The upgrade is offered through the Hepsia Control Panel and you can choose two features – the number of instances and the amount of memory. These things define the number of the websites that can use Memcached and the amount of memory that it will use to cache your information. You can select them independently, since a given instance is not linked to a fixed amount of memory, so you can use a lot of memory for a single large site, for instance. This upgrade comes in increments of 16 megabytes and you can get as much memory as you want. The platform can be used with any script-powered site irrespective of its nature, including those based on widely used web apps like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, and many companies like Wikipedia and Zynga are already using it to improve the speed of their sites.

Memcached in Dedicated Hosting

When you buy one of our Linux dedicated hosting and if you choose Hepsia as your hosting Control Panel on the order page, you’ll get the Memcached distributed memory caching platform by default and you can enable it for each site that you host on your dedicated machine without upgrading or installing anything. It will start caching information as users access your Internet site, so you’ll see the effect of using it soon after that. The minimum amount of system memory that will be available to the caching platform is three gigabytes and naturally, the more powerful the dedicated plan, the more memory Memcached will have at its disposal. This amount will enable you to take advantage of the caching platform for many sites or for a very large website without compromising its effectiveness. The Memcached platform will enable you to enhance the speed of any database-powered site in no time – a Joomla portal, a WordPress blog, an OpenCart web store, etcetera, and to boost the overall performance of your server.